Introducing: Michael Rogel


New Mexico native Michael Rogel has a touch of magic about him when it comes to producing big, banging tunes; Influenced by industrial techno and house, Rogel deals strictly in big old dance club classics.

Rogel is a pretty prolific producer too, in the last 12 months he released LP Hail Mary, a string of singles and an EP. The most recent product of this prolificy is ‘Street Night’; a track that encapsulates what Rogel is all about in just over three minutes. It is a dancefloor-ready blend of big beats, heavy bass, rickety percussion and feverish energy, combined with all manner of electronic noises, alarms, sirens and heavenly vocals. The same can be said for ‘In The Air’ albeit a more tempered take on the floor filling classics. Rogel is well worth keeping tabs one, for both the quality and quantity of his output is on point.

You can check out ‘Street Night’ & ‘In The Air’ below now.

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