koleżanka – ‘In A Meeting’

Brooklyn-based singer/songwriter, guitarist, and producer koleżanka (aka Kristina Moore) is readying the release of her debut LP under this moniker.

koleżanka’s sound is difficult to box-off; there is a flair for offbeat folk, indie and flourishes of pop while co-existing in a space with an equal propensity for psych – but it is captivating and magical, and somewhat hypnotic and playful.

Ahead of the release of Place Is, on July 30 via Bar/None, koleżanka has lifted another single from the record called ‘In A Meeting’, which demonstrates all those aforementioned attributes in abundance. Opening with gentle keys (Casio-esque), soft pattering beats and bubbling bassline. providing a beautiful backdrop for Moore’s cooing melody and lush and beautiful vocals to thrive before swathes of psych enter the fray with frazzled synth and colourful instrumental breakdowns. it is both playful and vulnerable, strange yet comforting, and like the composite sounds, in lesser hands would sound jarring but in Moore’s it is a revelation. ‘In A Meeting’ is weaved together with a boundless versatility, and the moments of musical whimsy probably wouldn’t resonate so much were it not for the moments of melodic sweetness.

Listen to ‘In A Meeting’ below and keep an eye out for the album coming on June 30.

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