Revolving around Brooklyn-based pair Dan Alvarez and Jordan Dunn, Toledo have shared a brand new single called ‘Bath’.
‘Bath’ will take its place on Toledo’s debut EP, HotStuff, penned in for release early in the New Year, and follows a similarly mellow, undulating trajectory as previous single ‘Hot Stuff’. It is laid-back, dreamy and melodic folk augmented by gently chiming guitar, bubbling synth and flourishes of soft drums that bring us to a spellbinding world of elegant, melodic and crystalline indie-folk tones. The hushed, somewhat sombre vocals grow as it progresses, bringing with it a warmth that a swells brighter until the end. This is a mellow, atmospheric and wonderful world of folky allure – an absolute treasure. Enjoy!
Listen to ‘Bath’ below now and keep an eye out for the EP in the near future.