Best of 2013 w/ Robbie Dunne of The Cedar Sound


It’s that time of year when every music website, publication and blog (including this one) are busy compiling lists, lists and more lists. Last year I asked bands and artists who’d played ‘BarryGruff Presents’ shows to put their own list making skills to the test in picking their ‘favourite album of 2013′, ‘favourite song/remix of 2013′ & ‘favourite Irish song of the year’. After another successful year of shows, why break with tradition?

Right, that is enough from me, over to Robbie Dunne from The Cedar Sound for his picks from 2013.

Favourite album of 2013: Jason Isbell – ‘Southeastern’

I was awaiting Dawes’ album Stories Don’t End with abated breath and when it was released, I wasn’t disappointed but then Jason Isbell came along with Southeastern and put into an album every emotion you can possibly feel while telling stories that I wanted to listen to. For me, Southeastern was the best of 2013 and will by this time next year, I can see myself still listening to it like I have been since it was released!

Favorite song of 2013: Dawes – ‘Most People’

It is off the Dawes album and it’s called ‘Most People’. I was sold once I heard the chorus that goes “she says most people don’t talk enough about how lucky they are, most people don’t talk enough about the love in their hearts” which is what runs through my head every day! Plus, it sounds like something off a Tom Petty record so that also helps

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Favorite Irish song of 2013: Christy Moore – ‘Where I Come From’

The guilt of not knowing enough Irish music and needing to listen to more. Christy Moore’s ‘Where I Come From’ because he mentions Johnny Doyle and the fact that I am a bog man surrounded by bog men is fitting also!

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