Introducing: The Dirty Rivers


Formed in Liverpool / Wirral back in 2011, The Dirty Rivers shed the influence usually associated with the city in favour of a darker, more adrenalin fuelled sound. 

The Scouse five-piece are just about to release their 2nd single, ‘The Kid’, which is simply a massive tune. It bombards the listener with layer upon layer of sound, as lazy guitar riffs are spliced over a range of lively percussion additives, forming into a sprawling, spiraling hedonistic jam. Their sound is owing much to B.R.M.C., Led Zeppelin, ‘Second Coming’ era Stone Roses and the early days of The Music – but in saying that there is something distinct to their work, perhaps it’s the swagger and attitude with which it’s delivered? Whatever the case, they appear to have struck on a formula that works, something their earlier works are testament to also. ‘Get Your Guns’ is packed with attitude and absolutely brimming with monstrous rock n roll licks, ‘Black Heart/Filth’ meanwhile, opens with a subtle melodic indie jangle before seamlessly morphing into an altogether darker, aggressive rock ‘n roll beast. This is a band of great promise indeed, let’s hope they get an album sorted before too long.

‘The Kid’ will be released on July 22nd through DeltaSonic Records & there’s plenty to sink your teeth into below.

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