White Blush – ‘Mirror’

white blush

You know those tunes you hear and stop you dead in your tracks? Yeah? Well, ‘Mirror’ by White Blush, aka LA artist Carol Rhyu, is one of those.

From the get go the pulsating rhythm and drifting minimalism of ‘Mirror’ draws you in, with barely audible lyrics delivered like a dreamy distant cooing sealing the deal. A beautiful, dreamy piece of electro-pop with an extraordinarily otherworldly feel. While ‘Mirror’ is certainly the standout track from the EP, it is by no means alone. White Blush do dreamy electro-pop rather well, something reinforced by running even a fleeting ear over the self-titled debut EP. 

That’s enough waffling from this end. Check out ‘Mirror’ below and White Blush’s self-titled 6 track EP is also available from bandcamp as a ‘name your price’ deal. 

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