The Egg – ‘Something To Do’

the egg

There are quite a few records I spent a lot of time listening to during the year which never made it on to the blog. One such case is that  of Something To Do from Oxford 4-piece The Egg.

The Egg, have been around the block, since the early ’90s in fact. Time has been good to them as they found their niche of ‘the indie-to-dance-to’ and vice versa. Bringing together elements of electro-house/pop, britpop and indie, Something To Do, is upbeat and fun.  Aided and abetted by alluring vocals, dancey beats and deep basslines, it forms an overwhelming sense of groove all of its own. It is jammed with so many ridiculously seductive tunes (see ‘Over There (Bingo)’, ‘A Bit’ & ‘Something to Do’ below). so much so that it is quite baffling how this flew pretty much under the radar.

Perhaps this kind of thing isn’t really in vogue at the moment? How and ever, if you’re looking for something fun and dancey to see you through the holidays, Something To Do is just the ticket.

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