BarryGruff Albums of the Year (2016)


Yes. It is that time of year again, lists, lists and more lists. Well, not be out done, here are my 13 (lucky for some) albums of 2016.

There was lots of great music in 2016 but I decided to keep it to a short list this year. Also, I’m hoping the festive period will provide some time to catch up on some records I’ve missed throughout the year, so feel free to recommend some listening material.

Anyway, without further ado, here are my favourite records from 2016:

There is also a Spotify playlist of all the albums, to save you time and hassle, and it is here.

13. Amber Arcades – ‘Fading Lines’

Amber Arcades‘ – Dutch-born musician Annelotte de Graaf – debut album is a dazzling blend of ‘60s tinged psych, lush jangly guitars, floating pop melodies and an abundance of propulsive, hypnotic krautrocky moments. [Listen here]

12. Tuff Love – ‘Resort’

Glaswegian scuzz-pop aficionados Tuff Love, combine a terrific trilogy of EPs into an LP of dazzling, fuzzy indie pop with sugar-sweet melodies and crunching choruses and shoegazey guitars galore. [Listen here]

11. Underworld – ‘Barbara Barbara, We Face A Shining Future’

A first proper Underworld record in half a decade, Karl Hyde and Rick Smith deliver a stomping electronic record that is up there with the best of their work. [Listen here]

10. The Coral – ‘Distance Inbetween’

Distance Inbetween – their eighth LP and first in over five years – saw The Coral rediscover their roots, mojo and discover their dark side and add a harder edge to their brand of psychedelic indie. It’s an evolution of the Wirral five piece’s sound into a cohesive, weird and imaginative psych-rock record, and one that grows with time. [Listen here]

09. Mr Huw – ‘Gwna Dy Feddwl I Lawr’

Gwna Dy Feddwl I Lawr is album number five from one of Wales’ finest, Mr. Huw and with it, he has delivered an irresistible set of inventive, electrifying indie. Sang in his native tongue, these are melodic songs with a spiky edge. Post-punk riffs and snappy drum-machine punctuate infectious pop melodies, mild psychedelic leanings and Huw’s affable Welsh lilt. A magnificent collection of soul consuming tunes which provide proof if proof be needed, that we should never underestimate the power of great music to overcome a small matter, like a language barrier. [Listen here]

08. Jinx Lennon – ‘Magic Bullets of Madness To Uplift The Grief Magnets’

2016 saw Jinx Lennon return with two new albums – Past Pupil Stay Sane and Magic Bullets of Madness To Uplift The Grief Magnets – with each offering distinctly different brilliance. Magic Bullets… is the pick of the pair but in fairness, both find the folk punk poet at his uncompromising best. Recorded with Liverpool experimentalists Clinic, it is a collection of instantly catchy tunes that boasts a meatier, more beat-driven sound, combined with Jinx’s raw truths kicking back against the humdrum bullshit of modern life. Jinx Lennon is a unique talent, a national treasure to be exact and this is him at his inherently brilliant best. [Listen here]

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Mr Huw to release new album; shares ‘Gwendidau’


For a relatively small place, Wales does rather well for itself musically. From the towns and cities, mountains and valleys, Wales has proven an ever reliable source of superb sounds.

Bearing the convoluted intro in mind, one of Wales’ finest talents, Mr Huw, is set to release his fifth album Gwna Dy Feddwl I Lawr (or ‘Make Your Mind Down’ in English) on November 25th. Ahead of the forthcoming record, we’ve been presented with a brand new single and taster, ‘Gwendidau’. Delivered in his native Welsh, Gwendidau’ is an irresistible cut of melodic, lo-fi indie. Catchy as hell, it’s all crunchy guitars, infectious melodies, insistent percussion mingling with mildly psychedelic leanings and Huw’s affable Welsh lilt. Yet another sublime piece of work from a true treasure.

Huw’s new album Gwna Dy Feddwl I Lawr shall be with us on November 25, for now, why not give ‘Gwendidau’ a spin below.

BarryGruff May 2016 Playlist


Your regular monthly round up all the blog action, in a nice, neat and handy playlist of tracks featured throughout the month.

May was good, as was the weather but even better tunes and whatnot (although I was pretty busy with matters away from the blog). We had loads of great new tracks, with a cursory listen below, I’m pretty sure you’ll agree! Oh, and there were new episodes of ‘Millions Like Us’, Justin Beats & I’s music podcast for 604now (if you missed them, check ’em here). You can also subscribe to ‘Millions Like Us’ on iTunes & Podcast Republic or find us on Facebook & Twitter.

Well then, that’s that for another month – listen to BarryGruff’s May 2016 playlist below. Enjoy!

Dan Amor and Huw Owen – ‘Mothers In Day-Glo’ + ‘Swooshed’ Compilation



Cae Gwyn Records is an independent record label based in North Wales. As a label, it prides itself on its independence and has built a solid reputation for releasing all manner of interesting, creative and listenable, left field bilingual music.

The latest example of this comes in the shape of Swooshed; a new 10 track compilation album featuring some of Wales’ very finest folk, pop, ambient and psychedelic music. It picks up where previous free digital sampler Cynefin Cae Gwyn, left off – of which you may or may not remember but it is worth checking out, or revisiting. Swooshed is littered with gems but the pick of the pile comes from Dan Amor and Huw Owen’s ‘Mothers In Day-Glo’. Recorded in an old quarry man’s cottage above Tregarth in North Wales, it is a warm and inviting, woozy and mellow, sun-drenched psych-tinged folk sound. ‘Mothers In Day-Glo’ is sure to leave you all the better for listening (as can be said for ‘Swooshed’ too). Dan Amor and Huw Owen operate a strict ‘blank canvass’ policy when writing and recording together –all ideas and parts are thought up on the day – whatever the case, it works, and how!

Check out ‘Mothers In Day-Glo’ below and you can a hold of Swooshed here. Happy listening!


2015 According to Mr Huw

Mr Huw Du Llun

One of my proudest achievements on the blog this year, or any year for that matter, is the release of GruffWuff; a 19 track compilation of new, previously unreleased and exclusive recordings from some of my very favourite acts over the past 5 years of blogging.

It was a truly fantastic way to mark 5 years of BarryGruff and I am incredibly grateful to everyone involved and the overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic response. As 2015 draws to a close, I have enlisted help from people who made the compilation what it was, to chat about their favourite moments and sounds from year, and up next is Mr Huw.

Welsh maestro Mr Huw is an artist to be treasured, cherished and of course, enjoyed. Welsh lends itself to music rather well, regardless of whether you can understand it or not, and he is one of the most prolific and finest exponents of Welsh language music out there. Huw’s rough and unpolished, DIY style indie/post-punk has a glorious Half Man Half Biscuit aesthetic to it and generally packed with powerful rhythms, pointed riffs and broached with some infectious melodies and peppered with hooks you could hang your hat on. Mr Huw is an absolute gem! 

Before we take a look at his 2015 sound selections, you should check out his sublime Du Llun EP (which roughly translates as ‘Black Monday’), and Mr Huw’s GruffWuff inclusion, ‘Bai Neb Ond Fy Hun’ – of which you can download here for FREE.

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BarryGruff Playlist August 2015


A now regular monthly feature, whereby we round up all the blog action with a nice, neat and handy playlist of tracks featured during the month.

August was pretty damn good! We had new tunes from Anderson, The Foetals, The Annulments and DRINKS ahead of their respective, forthcoming new albums. There were excellent new singles from SALES, Cornershop, Imploded View, Foreign/National and Silverbacks, and EPs from Mr Huw & Dog Legs. Oh, and Johnny Feeney shared his albums of the year so far too.

Also featured on this month’s playlist are great tracks from Martha Ffion, Sh-Shakes, SQRD, BUCK, and Ghost Culture’s, Ghostpoet remix . So, August, pretty good alright.

Listen to BarryGruff’s August 2015 playlist below.

Mr Huw – ‘Du Llun’ EP

Mr Huw 'Du Llun EP' - Cover

My affection for Welsh music is pretty well noted and that sung in their native tongue. Welsh is a language that lends itself to music rather well, regardless of whether you can understand it or not. Few, if any artists come close to Mr Huw in those regards, and he’s one of the most prolific and finest Welsh language artists there are.

Now residing in Caernarfon, North Wales, Mr Huw makes his return with a brand new EP, entitled Du Llun (which roughly translates as ‘Black Monday’). Huw’s rough and unpolished, DIY style indie/post-punk has a glorious Half Man Half Biscuit aesthetic to it and Du Llun is packed with powerful rhythms, pointed riffs and broached with some infectious melodies and peppered with hooks you could hang your hat on. From the chugging guitar, menacing bassline and thunderous rhythm of ‘Calonau Ni I Gyd’ to the scintillating riffs of ‘Hoel Dannedd’, we’re treated to irresistible, attention grabbing and intriguing tapestry of dark and light. As is Mr Huw’s forte, this tapestry is completed by subversive, witty lyrics, clever wordplay (so I have been reliably informed) and ear-catching choruses, to form mesmerising and rockin’ indie tunes. Mr Huw’s a unique soul; an artist to be treasured, cherished and of course, enjoyed!

Du Llun is released on August 31st through Recordiau Cae Gwyn as a free download and limited edition CD (25), numbered and signed artwork including unique photo of Mr Huw going about his day in Caernarfon – you can’t say fairer than that, now can you? There are some choice cuts below & you can also listen to Mr Huw’s GruffWuff inclusion – ‘Bai Neb Ond Fy Hun’ – of which you can download the full 19-track compilation here for FREE.

Celebrating 5 Years of BarryGruff with ‘GruffWuff’: A 19 Track Compilation Album [Out Now]

So, the day has finally arrived; ‘GruffWuff‘ is out now!

I’ve been itching to share this with everyone and I very, happy this day has finally arrived. The past five years have been very interesting and for the most part, ever so much fun. I think this is a pretty special way to mark the occasion and I really hope you all enjoy the compilation as much as I do. Initially I thought an idea such as this was just a pipe dream and one that would remain just that. However, the enthusiasm that met my initial inquiries bowled me over, I couldn’t believe how eager everyone was. It is something that’ll stay with me forever and it means an awful lot. Hopefully it will shine a light, brief as it maybe on some of the acts that have brought me the most joy over the past few years.

Thanks to Stevie for all his assistance, Caroline for all her support and putting up with me, Peter Lee for mastering & all the artists who provided tracks for the compilation. A huge amount of credit must go to the artists involved for their eagerness and the ever so brilliant music.

So, to mark 5 years of BarryGruff, here is ‘GruffWuff’; a 19 track compilation of new, previously unreleased and exclusive recordings from some of my very favourite acts over the past 5 years of blogging. There is an act by act guide after the jump, I really hope everyone enjoys this as much as we did putting it together.

It’s yours now, just ‘name your price’ – which includes zero, so technically it’s free.

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Celebrating 5 Years of BarryGruff with ‘GruffWuff’: A 19 Track Compilation Album


BarryGruff is 5 years old today!

Those five years have been interesting and fun. The blog has ebbed and flowed in parallel with my own life which has moved on somewhat from where it was back in March 2010. Since my early teens spouting about music has always been part and parcel of my life but I’m very grateful to have been in a position to share those musings and whatnot with a wider audience than my mates (or whoever is willing to listen).

Blogging has become quite a big part of my life and while listening to and discovering new music etc. is something that comes rather natural, a lot of my free time is devoted to the upkeep of the blog and how much longer I can continue to do so is anyone’s guess. It might be one year or another five, who knows? So with that in mind I really wanted to do something really special to mark the occasion and I’m pretty damn chuffed with this one.

Without further a do, to celebrate 5 years of BarryGruff is ‘GruffWuff’: A 19 track compilation of new, previously unreleased and exclusive recordings from some of my very favourite acts over the past 5 years of blogging. While I initially thought it was just a pipe dream and one that would remain just that, the enthusiasm that met my initial inquiries bowled me over, I couldn’t believe how eager everyone was. It is something that’ll stay with me forever and it means an awful lot. Hopefully it will shine a light, brief as it maybe on some of the acts that have brought me the most joy over the past few years. The enjoyment music brings me can’t be overstated, be it happy times or sad times, there’s one constant; music.

Thanks to Stevie for all his assistance, Caroline for putting up with me, Peter Lee for mastering & all the artists who provided tracks for the compilation. A huge amount of credit must go to the artists involved for their eagerness and the ever so brilliant music.

‘GruffWuff’ will be released through Bandcamp on Thursday, March 19th and the tracklisting is below for your perusal. I’m really, really excited for people to finally hear what everyone’s been working away on for the past 9 months.

Celebrating 5 Years of BarryGruff with ‘GruffWuff’:

01. Fold – ‘Where Are You’

02. Oh Boland – ‘White Boy’

03. Seazoo – ‘DIG (Demo Version)’

04. Mr Huw – ‘Bai Neb Ond Fy Hun’

05. Dan Amor – ‘Can’t Sleep’

06. Oisin McCole – ‘Far From The Sea’

07. Anderson – ‘The Way The Stream Flows’

08. Knoxville Morning – ‘Bridget’

09. Nathan Conway – ‘Babycheeno’

10. Disconcerting P – ‘Treated You Rough’

11. The Expert – ‘Swapsies’

12. SertOne – ‘Seventeen’

13. Imploded View – ‘Barry’s Game’

14. Channel Swimmer – ‘Racket’

15. Monto – ‘Yeuh’

16. Open Window – ‘003 (Africa)’

17. Captain Moonlight – ‘What is Property?’

18. GEM_DOS – ‘Mag D’Allen’

19. Hippies Vs Ghosts – ‘Three Shadows’


Recordiau Cae Gwyn Presents ‘Cynefin Cae Gwyn’


Independent Welsh label and home to Dan Amor, Mr Huw and Sen Segur, Recordiau Cae Gwyn, has released Cynefin Cae Gwyn, a free digital compilation album of artists from the label.

It features new material from more established acts/artists, some brand new projects as well as some exciting collaborative ventures. Over a stylistically diverse 12 tracks touching on folk, subtle electronica, indie and psychedelic, we’re treated to splendid sampler of the stellar talent they’ve brought together. What’s even more impressive is the fact that all the featured artists are from, or have close links with the village of Penmachno, North Wales. There’s lots of great tunes on offer here, from the beautiful instrumental acoustic strum of Ben Marshall’s ‘Tonnau Gwanwyn’, to the bright and snappy indie inclusion of ‘Ffiniau’ from Mr Huw and the utterly cool organ led psych groove of Huw Owen & Dan Amor’s ‘Cyfandirol’. It might be free to download but the standard remains supremely high – a thoroughly worthwhile compilation and a testament to all involved with the label.

It’s rather difficult to whittle it down to a few tracks but you can sample some personal choice moments from the compilation below. And if you’re liking that? The album is available as a free digital download from here.