BarryGruff at 2 | The Blogs Second Birthday + Mixtape

The blog is two years old today, how did that happen? It’s hard to believe BarryGruff is entering its 3rd year in business, but it’s been quite a lot of fun. First and foremost, a massive thank you to all the readers of the blog, without you this exercise would be quite pointless. Similarly thanks to everyone who played, helped out and came along to the ‘BarryGruff presents’ over the past while.

How to mark such an auspicious occasion? I thought about, then thought about it some more. This also marks the five year anniversary, give or take a week or so, of my returning to Newbridge from my self enforced exile. So, with that in mind I settled on a mixtape made solely of music from Newbridge, released since my return. It is about time someone did it and why not I?

This is only a quick snap shot of what I have lying about the place, there is a lot more than this going on, so any aggrieved parties please form an orderly Q. Tracklisting etc. after the jump.

 Download: Newbridge | The Place Where We Dwell.


Kaleid – Clarence

Two Charming Men – Brusque

Tracksuit Warrior – Travelling (Feat. Harry J.)

Mmoths – Heart (Feat. Keep Shelly In Athens)

Super Extra Bonus Party – Everything Flows

Mmoths – Blisters

ADULTROCK – Poplife (Feat. Jen McConnell)

We Are Losers – We Vampires

Knoxville Morning – Lighthouse Song

We Are Losers – Sunset Song

Band on an Island – Back Disco (Feat. Claire Prendergast)

Super Extra Bonus Party – Super Team Go!

Band on an Island – The Burning Shoulder

2 Comments BarryGruff at 2 | The Blogs Second Birthday + Mixtape

  1. Pingback: BarryGruff Presents: One Year On | Some Idle Chit-Chat « barrygruff

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