A quick round-up: Barrygruff Presents #2 ‘We Are Losers’ & ‘No Monster Club’

Last month, October 22nd to be precise witnessed the second ‘Barrygruff Presents’ show in Flanagan’s, Newbridge.

It was another huge success on all fronts. The place was packed to the bloody rafters, it was hard to believe it was only a Thursday night. Both performances from No Monster Club and We Are Losers were fantastic, it is not often you get to experience their music stripped back so wonderfully. There are a couple of videos below so you can see and hear for yourself. There’s no definite dates or acts booked for #3 yet but were working on it and when we know, you’ll know.

A massive thank you to Stephen Connelly for all the hard work, Tim Crowley for the sound/recording, Joe Dunne for the videos and to everyone who came down on the night (and anyone I’ve missed out).

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