Squarehead – ‘Yeah Nothing’

Dublin trio Squarehead received plenty of praise for their singles ‘Midnight Enchilada’ and ‘Fake Blood’, and rightly so. Those singles suggested Squarehead had a knack for three minute pop songs, something bornout on Yeah Nothing. They roll through a succession of snappy sun soaked indie pop songs, forging a balance between beautiful vocal harmonies and a rougher-edged garage rock.

Any of the 12 tracks could be singles. The feel-good nature and simplicity of the aforementioned singles and tracks like ‘Save Yourself’, ‘Tasty Fruit’ and ‘Fear Your Face’ illustrates their strength for 3-minute 60’s inspired guitar pop. It flips between the melancholic and beautiful with more ooh-ahhs than you can shake a stick at without ever feeling forced or misplaced. This while remaining ridiculously catchy and retaining the dreamy, laid-back vibes too. Lead singer Roy Duffy’s voice is the icing on the cake, the soothing and wistful vocal qualities make for a rather special listen.

If there’s a criticism, it is that they don’t step out they’re comfort zone often enough but it is a very assured debut LP which coming in at 36 minutes is charming, fun and most important of all it is likable. If Ireland had a summer, a season filled days and blazing heat, then Squarehead’s Yeah Nothing would be it’s unrivaled soundtrack.

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Squarehead – Fake Blood via IASCA

Squarehead – Midnight Enchilada

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