Black Box Revelation release Free EP, New Single & Album

Belgian blues-rock duo Black Box Revelation are gearing up for the release of their third LP, My Perception, in October.

For two guys their blues infused rock ‘n’ roll makes a hell of a racket; scuzzy guitars, dirty riffs and crashing drums it sounds like a perfect marriage of The White Stripes, BRMC, and The Black Keys. 

As a precursor to the new record they have released free EP, Shiver of Joy. It features two new B-sides and two tracks each from their two previous albums; Set Your Head On Fire (‘I Think I Like You’ & ‘Never Alone / Always Together’) and Silver Threats (‘You Better Get In Touch With The Devil’ and ‘Love Licks’). If your a new or returning fan this is the perfect reintroduction to the talents of  Jan Paternoster and Dries Van Dijck.

They’ve also released new single ‘Rattle My Heart’ which suggests we can expect a slightly softer side to the duo’s new LP . Check it out below.

You can download the 6-track Shiver of Joy EP for FREE from bandcamp now!

Black Box Revelation – Love Licks via PIASBelgium

Black Box Revelation – I Think I Like You

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