Trophy Wife to Release Double A-side

Oxford trio Trophy Wife are to follow up the superb ‘Microlite’ with a double A-side ‘The Quiet Earth’ and White Horses’ on February 28th.

2010 was a very good year for Trophy Wife, having had support slots with Foals on their UK Tour and unequivocal acclaim from musical pundits. They look set to continue the momentum which has seen them touted as ‘Ones to Watch’ for 2011. It’s more of the same with ‘The Quiet Earth’ – a whispering breathe of fresh indie pop. That’s just my shout, you can make up your own mind by listening below.

What do you think? The double A-side ‘The Quiet Earth’ /White Horses’ is out through Moshi Moshi on February 28th.

Trophy Wife – The Quiet Earth

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