London Calling?

This is the first of many features from Ben hopefully, highlighting some bands doing their thing in and around London which most of us would otherwise miss – so without further ado I hand you over to the capable hands of Ben.

When Barry asked my to write about bands in London, I spent ages trying to think what bands would represent some sort of London scene. The thing is, there is no one ‘scene’ as such. There’s a million bands ripping off Arctic Monkeys or Bloc Party, but for the interesting stuff you have to choose your own little niche.

Krautrock has been getting slowly trendier over the last few years, but it seems to be getting a lot of attention at the moment (I saw a Krautrock section in HMV the other day) and London has a great scene of bands mining the sound.

Now mix poptastic tunes, shared boy/girl vocal, Can/NEU!-esq improv drone, and a healthy dose of LCD/Talking Heads grooves. They gig religiously, and I’m pretty sure they’ve had a different line up every time I’ve seen them, regularly adding extra drummers or percussionists or even a horn section. Lead singer Justin once told me he prefers people to play an instrument they don’t know how to play. I like that. Now play Electric Sound Club on 17 May 2010.

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Mp3: Now – Two of The Beatles have Died

Eat Light Become Lights are getting a good bit of buzz around them at the moment. They’re busy working on a new album which I’m looking forward to. They bring a great mix of melodic keyboards, driving bass and fuzzed up guitars. I’ve yet to catch them live, but they’re playing Klub Motorik @ Half Moon Herne Hill Sat 22nd May.

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5 Comments London Calling?

  1. Sid

    I have checked ELBL a couple of times and every time they blew me away!

    Awesome band! I will try to catch them on May 22. You should too. 🙂

  2. Rex

    Agreed, caught Eat lights at the Locomotiva festival a few weeks ago. To my mind they were easily the most original/impressive band on the day.
    Very much looking forward to seeing them again.

  3. Neil

    NOW are one of our favourite bands!
    Very happy to be sharing this page with them.

    Thanks for the kind words one and all.


    Eat lights; Become lights


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