Best of 2012: w/ Colm from Ghost Estates

ghost estates

It’s that time of year when every music website, publication and blog (including this one) are busy compiling end of year lists. This time around, I thought I’d shift the focus to the bands and artist’s who’ve played a ‘BarryGruff Presents’ show this year and ask them for their ‘favourite album of 2012′, ‘favourite song of 2012′ & ‘favourite Irish song of the year’.

Right, that is enough from me, here’s Colm from Ghost Estates and his picks from the year that was 2012.

Favourite Album of 2012: Tame Impala – ‘Lonerism’

Favourite album of the year has to be Tame Impala’s second album Lonerisim. It’s a fantastic album, and betters their first one by a mile. As a band they just keep getting better and better. When are they gonna come here to Ireland!! Songs like ‘Apocalypse Dreams’ or ‘It Feels Like We Only Go Backwards’ are just so ridiculously good. It took me a few listens to get into it, but once your hooked that’s it. Start to finish its just full on madness. So many things going on.Loads of noises to get lost in.

Favourite Song of 2012: Dirty Projectors – ‘The Gun Has No Trigger’

This was a hard one to answer. There has been so many brilliant songs over the last year, but I went for this. Its not a ‘catchy’ tune with a huge chorus or anything like that. It is just real simple song that sticks in your head. Before I heard this song I didn’t know much about Dirty Projectors. Straight away after hearing it, I went and got their new album, ‘Swing Lo Magellan’,which is also a real strong contender for album of the year. I’m in love with this band now as a result. Start to finish it is a winner. It’s so subtle. The intro gets your attention straight away with this really tight drum beat and deep bass. The vocals just start in and your just going to yourself, “Who is this…??”. Dave Longsmith voice gets more and more emotional as he goes on. When all 3 vocals harmonise they just create this huge sound. There is nothing else that sounds like this band at the moment.

Favourite Irish Song of 2012: Sea Pinks – ‘Lake Superior’

I only recently got into this band through a friend. It has only been a few weeks since I got their album Freak Waves. But this song as a result has been on non stop in my gaff. Wake up in the morning and put this tune on and everything is all good. It just sticks in your head. Really buzzy and catchy. I don’t know anyone who could not like this song.There has been many great Irish songs and albums this year. But at the moment this one really sticks out for me.

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