Evil Unkle – ‘Songs For The Road’

Galway musician Evil Uncle has released a new EP Songs for the Road. In a novel move sure to endear him to many a cash strapped music fans the price has been set at rather reasonable €0.00. The release coincided with an intriguing guerilla distribution campaign, 5,000 copies been left on cars down at Electric Picnic with a further 2,000 copies left in random places around Dublin, Cork and Galway.

“We were going through the process of getting the EP into record stores and trying to decide a price and I just decided, fuck it, why not just give it away? There’s a recession going on and the people must have music. Besides, every drug dealer worth
his salt knows that you give the first hit away for free….”.

It’s a rather curious mix of influences and styles all wrapped up in a DIY box with interesting lyrics, beautiful melodies, strong vocals (al a Simple Kid/Ray Davies) and some serious melancholy.

A Debut album is nearing completion and nationwide tour is pencilled in for November, if this is a taste of things to come we’re in for a treat.

Here’s two reasons to grab Songs For The Road for free now from www.eviluncle.eu

Evil Uncle – Timmy

Evil Uncle – Something For Nothing

3 Comments Evil Unkle – ‘Songs For The Road’

  1. Pablo

    Good post mate, bookmarked the blog. Also do you mind if I was to post some sections for my blog? I will give full credits to yours and a link back? Thanks keep up the good work!
    Good tunes 🙂

  2. Pingback: Evil Uncle – ‘Two Lights Not Broken’ « barrygruff

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