Skip Cloud (formerly Skp) is a chiptune artist from Belfast who makes music using Nintendo Gameboys. Although he’s been making some fine 8-bit electro beats for a few years now, Clouds is his first ‘proper’ release.
There is something wholly seductive about these 8-bit sounds of Clouds. It is more than a nostalgia buzz or a mere novelty, Skip Cloud has produced an aural feast of beats from the downtempo ‘157 Miles’ to the high energy ‘Warrior’, ‘Houston’ and ‘Wavehunter’. I might be biased. After all, I’m a bit of a sucker for this 8-bit sound, most likely down to wasting away my younger days playing computer games. That said, it is a thoroughly enjoyable, fun and engaging listen.
You can pick up the excellent Clouds EP for a co0l £3 from bandcamp.
Download: Skip Cloud – Wavehunter