Shameless plug time with Lookleft issue 5 in shops now.
This time around my inclusions are an interview with The Mighty Stef, some short pieces on Girl Talk, Maverick Sabre, Visionair and Nouveanoise as well as a piece on a historic game between Ireland and Wales in 1906.
This issue also includes:
- Free Education for Everyone: The student fightback: Donal Fallon
- The End of Fianna Fail?: Brian Hanley
- The Zapatistas 17 years of Rebellion: Andrew Flood
- The Art of History, graphic novels; a refreshing new look to history writing: Kevin Squires
and much more for €2 over 32 pages.
It’s in the usual outlets including all Easons in the North and Easons in Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Galway and Top Twenty, Roseberry Stores & Centra in Newbridge. For a full list check the website.
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