This Weekend Means One Thing: Modeselektor

Yes folks, there is only one thing on the agenda this weekend; Modeselektor are in Dublin for the Becks Vier Rhythm Weekender.

I saw Modeselektor a few years back at EP and they absolutely blew me and the rest of the crowd away. Never before or since have I witnessed a set like it, anyone who’s seen them knows what I’m talking about. It’s a full-blown sensory overload of dubstep, electro, techno, hip hop and a touch of avant-garde experimentation.

The German duo are so good; while yet to hear new album Monkeytown, previous efforts Happy Birthday! and Hello Mom were stunning. I’m really excited about this one, here’s a quick reminder of the sheer brilliance that is Modeselektor.

They play The Button Factory tomorrow (Saturday) night. Doors @ 11pm. Tickets €21.

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Modeselektor – Kill Bill Vol. 4 via MartinNicolas111

Modeselektor – Dancing Box (Feat. TTC) via DTD Sounds

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